Fire and Life Safety are major concerns for all that are responsible for the design, construction, and renovation of new and existing buildings. SSI is committed to meeting the needs of our clients by employing a full staff of professionally trained and certified installers of a variety of UL approved methods and technologies in fire stop services.
It is our goal at SSI to become the leading fire stop contractor in the Midwest. Due to a fire’s potential for high risk liability in the case of property damage or even the loss of life, you can rely on SSI to provide more than just the every day production application. In an effort to meet the needs of our client’s potential liabilities we offer a complete fire stopping program in the following areas:
- Office and Manufacturer support
- Record keeping & Reporting
- Installation submittal for every application
- Field walk through with Code Officials
- Self conducted, destructive testing of our own applications
- Extensive and thorough Certification and Training Programs for all of our Installers
- FIT (Firestop Instructional Training) Level One and Two
- Manufacturer Installation Certification
- Engineering Judgments issued same day
- Exposure to new Products and UL Tested Systems
- Through Penetrations
- Joint Treatments
- Curtain Wall Assemblies
- Cable Tray Penetrations
- Electrical Outlet Box Systems
- Protective Wraps
- Head of Wall Assemblies
- Hilti Firestop Systems
- 3M Fire Protection Systems
- STI (Specified Technologies, Inc.)
- Nelson Firestop Systems
- Tremco Fire Protection & Smoke Seal System